Save Lives
Saving lives through improved post-crash response is a well-researched proposition
Our FAQs
A few questions we are often asked. If you have one of your own, please contact us.
Can training to become a DFA member make a real contribution towards reducing RTC fatalities?
They are the real professionals and they have been extremely enthusiastic in helping to create an organised group of properly trained drivers capable of providing an early life saving response prior to the arrival of the emergency services.
Is a 7-hour training course sufficient to teach someone life saving skills?
The preeminent Faculty of Pre – Hospital Care of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, also supports DFA.
If as a DFA member, I provided assistance at the scene of an RTC, could I be sued for negligence in the event someone claimed I had done something wrong?
To date, no one has been successfully sued for providing assistance whilst acting in the capacity of a Good Samaritan.
What if someone attempted to sue a DFA member with the aid of a solicitor working on a 'no win no fee' basis?
The best legal advice made available to DFA would suggest little chance of a claim succeeding.
However, in the unlikely event of a claim against a DFA member, DFA would provide the member with the appropriate legal resources to defend such a claim.
When I'm on the road I'm often working to a tight schedule and under strong commercial pressure to 'arrive on time'. How do I balance the commercial demands with my desire to help someone in need of assistance?
In the more serious RTCs the road is likely to be blocked anyway.
In such circumstances, a DFA member, using his or her skills and knowledge, may well provide the vital assistance to enable the emergency services deal with the situation more effectively and get the road open again quicker than might otherwise have been the case.
If having been made aware of an RTC close by but not in my immediate vicinity, would DFA expect me as a member to go to the scene to provide assistance?
Our aim is to ensure as many drivers as possible are trained as DFA members so that only those finding themselves first or early at the scene would volunteer to assist.
If I stop and assist at an RTC, would the police expect me to provide information and/or witness statements, resulting in further delays to my journey?
Not only may you have just saved someone’s life but you will also be capable of providing vital information, enabling the police to reopen the road faster than might otherwise have been the case.
Even if you actually witnessed the incident you would be under no obligation to provide a statement at the scene. Having helped get the road open quicker you would be entitled to continue with your journey along with everyone else.
How can I be assured that the training will be delivered to an appropriate standard?
Only currently serving or retired emergency services personnel with appropriate operational experience are registered to deliver the DFA training programme.
This is a fundamental requirement to maintain the continuing relationship between DFA and the emergency services.
Once I become a DFA member will I be required to undertake refresher training?
This means that the training received by DFA members will always be ‘cutting edge’; the training received by emergency services personnel themselves.
Does DFA aim to train all drivers that frequently use the road network?
Our aim is to provide “workplace first-aid” for the road network and ensure drivers have the same access to an emergency medical response as do their ‘non-mobile’ counterparts.
If every company trains a proportion, if not all, of their drivers to become DFA members, we will be well on the way to achieving our overall objective – saving lives on our roads.
DFA is a game changer that will drive down the number of RTC fatalities
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